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Colourful Magnetic Blocks That Makes Building Fun

Written by Jennifer Traynor

Let your little builders get creative with brightly coloured blocks that stick together with magnets.

My son got a set of Magformers for his birthday this year and really enjoyed the fact that it gave different building possibilities compared to other building blocks because these are magnetic.

Much like other building sets you can mix and match Magformers as you collect more of them. A great set to start off with would be the My First Set. You can find it as a 30-piece set or a 54-piece set. Another good starter set would be the Wow Set.

The Magformers 62-piece Standard Set features multi-shaped rainbow coloured pieces, while the 60-piece Neon Set includes six different shapes to make some bright structures. And the 40-piece Curve Set has fun geometric shapes to let builders think outside the box.

Make your Magformers creations come to life with a set that includes moving parts. There are many possibilities with this 144-piece Smart Set and this Power Construction Set allows your child to make workable construction vehicles. This Magnets in Motion Set features moving gears and cranks to make fun and quirky contraptions.

So whether your little one is building a house, car or robot the possibilities for creative fun are endless.


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*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Parent Life Network or their partners.
