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Easy DIY ‘Bug Off’ Body Butter

Written by Melissa Robertson
Easy DIY 'Bug Off' body butter

With the reported cases of Lyme disease rising each year, many parents want to protect their children from ticks, but want an alternative to using harsh chemicals.

Luckily, there are alternatives to DEET for parents whose children are either too young to be exposed, or who wish to take a more natural approach.

The ingredients in this recipe can be found in most local grocery stores and health food stores. It is important to look for virgin and unprocessed products when making your own skin care products. This recipe can be used on children older than 12 months and will keep for up to three months.

Easy DIY 'Bug Off' body butter

In a double boiler melt together:

½ cup olive oil

½ cup coconut oil

1 cup shea butter

Easy DIY 'Bug Off' body butter

Once the mixture is completely melted, place it in the fridge to cool for an hour. When you remove the mixture, it should be the the texture of margarine.

Once it has cooled, use an immersion blender to mix the ingredients together.

Easy DIY 'Bug Off' body butter

Now you have a basic body butter. It is time to make it a bug repellent with essential oils.


*10 drops lemongrass essential oil
*10 drops lavender essential oil
*10 drops citronella essential oil

Whip the ingredients together and store in a glass jar for up to three months. Apply liberally before outdoor exposure.

If you are more of a visual learner, we also have this video!

Please always check with your doctor first before trying out any new products.

*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Parent Life Network or their partners.
