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Mom on March Break: Expectation vs. Reality

Written by Alanna Schiffer




Pre-organize a series of new activities and adventures for each day of the week. Take a bath with toddler in the middle of the day. I dunno, she seemed dirty.
Each day will revolve around a theme. For example, Animal Day, Magic Day, Funny Hat Day. Each day revolves around nap time.
Play dates – so many play dates! Friends are mysteriously all on vacation, or planned their March Break play dates months ago
Achieve small goals: try a new food each day. Achieve no goals. Eat pasta.
Gauge toddler’s readiness and use the extra time at home to begin introducing toilet training. Ask toddler six times if she is standing that weird way because she is pooping. Choose to believe her when she says no. Push potty training timeline back to summer.
Re-organize the playroom during nap time. Rotate seasonal toy bins. “Seasonal toy bins”? Who does that? Chuck out one broken toy. Retrieve it from the garbage when Kindergartener asks where it went.
Spend a set amount of quality time each day practicing reading with Kindergartener. Realise Kindergartener can read surprisingly well. Reward his hard work with free choice time while Mummy lies down.
Go on a nature walk. Go on a nature bus ride.
Visit a pet store. Come home with two goldfish. Secretly place bets with your spouse as to which fish will die first.
Plan a fun movie night with the kids. Make popcorn, choose a family-friendly movie together on Netflix, plan themed crafts and snacks to go with the movie selection. Pass out on the couch while the kids watch Frozen — again — and eat goldfish crackers.

*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Parent Life Network or their partners.
