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Staying Connected to Family Who Live Far Away

Written by Christine Tassé

Let’s face it, between diaper changes, nap schedules (or lack thereof), and the endless task of finding lost toys, staying in touch with family and friends who live far away can sometimes feel like just another thing on your never-ending to-do list. But staying connected is so important, especially when your family wants to be part of your little one’s life, no matter the distance.

With everyone spread out across the map these days, whether it be for job relocations or chasing more affordable living, it’s more common than ever to have loved ones far away. With a bit of planning, keeping in touch can be easier than you think. Here are some simple ways to stay close to family and friends, even when you’re far apart.

Schedule Video Calls

We all know that scheduling anything with kids can be a challenge but setting up a weekly or monthly video call can go a long way in keeping those relationships strong. Throw an open invitation on the calendar and don’t stress if it’s 10 minutes of chaos with kids bouncing around in the background. Your family just wants to see your face even if just for a short time.

Avoid the Actual Holiday

Traveling with kids during the holidays? Let’s just say, it’s not for the faint of heart. If you’d rather skip the stress and the skyrocketing travel prices, consider getting together with family before or after the holiday season. You’ll save money, your sanity and your little ones might handle it all a lot better when there’s less holiday hoopla to contend with.

Create a Group Chat

From the first steps to the hilarious things your toddler is saying, a group chat is a great way to share those precious moments with family. And let’s not forget, you’re also going to need that group chat to vent about how the baby decided to wake up for the day at 4 AM. Big milestones and the small victories, a group chats keep everyone in the loop, even when you’re spread across time zones.

Share Experiences

When the stars align and you actually get to see your family in person, make it count. Plan something fun that all generations can enjoy. Whether it’s a game night, cooking a meal, or just a walk to the park, these shared experiences are what build memories that keep your family close, even after you part ways. Plus, it might just help mend any “Why haven’t you visited us lately?” guilt trips.

Being far away from family doesn’t mean you can’t stay connected. With a little planning and some creative thinking, you can keep those bonds strong. At the end of the day, whether you’re together virtually or in person, it’s the love, support, and shared moments that make family, well, family.

*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Parent Life Network or their partners.
