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Toronto, Canada

312 Adelaide Street West, Suite 301
Toronto, Ontario - M5V 1R2
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Help Us Set A World Record!

Written by Jessi McAlpine

I’ll admit, I’m a bit of stickler about car seat safety. I think this comes from me being such a rule follower in general. Before Goose was born, I insisted that we get his seat installed by a professional and we did the same with his convertible seat. I regularly give the seat a good wiggle to make sure it’s still secure and I double-check the tightness of his straps and the position of his chest clip all the time and yes, my 3-year-old is still rear facing in our car. I told you, stickler: me. Did you know that 70-80% of Canadian car seats are installed incorrectly? Yeah, I was surprised too. I want to make sure that your babies and kids are safe too, so join me at the Click for Car Seat Safety event on March 27th.

Our friends at The Baby Show are kicking off the show weekend by hosting and attempt to set the world record for the largest one-time car seat installation. So, if you’re in the GTA, come to the Direct Energy Centre in Toronto to get you car seat checked or installed for FREE. All you need to do is register here to book your spot.

The PLN staff will be there getting our kids’ seats installed and we think it would be totally awesome to have a bunch of PLNers join us so we can set this record together. If free car seat installs and meeting your PLN staff idols isn’t enough incentive for you, then how about the 17 $100 and 1 $500 Canadian Tire gift cards that are being given away? Or the fact that you’ll drive away with a swag bag full of goodies including a free ticket to The Baby Show and a special gift from Baby Parka?

We hope to see you there! Click here for all the details.

Do you know how hard it is to find pictures of babies properly buckled in car seats? I count at least three problems with the photo at the top of this post. What problems do you see? Let us know in the comments.

*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Parent Life Network or their partners.
