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From Om to Namaste: Everything You Need to Practice Yoga at Home

Written by Jennifer Traynor

Whether you are new to yoga or looking to expand your yoga practice at home, these are some great items you will need to help you become a better yogi.

I have been attending yoga classes for over seven years now and it has been a great benefit in my life, especially since becoming a mother. Yoga has helped me through childbirth, postpartum care and with battling depression.

As much as I love going to my local yoga studio to attend a class, as a busy mom it is not always possible. I would like to expand my yoga practice at home but I am lacking certain items that would assist me in achieving a better yoga flow. Here are some gear I wish I had to make practicing yoga at home much easier for me.

The most important item to have is a good mat. I love how soft my mat is and that it offers great cushioning support and doesn’t slide around as I move.

Using props to assist you with yoga poses can really enhance your practice. As someone who mainly does restorative yoga, having the assistance of props helps me achieve the right posture, and comfort level, for different poses. These are three props that I would suggest having at any level of yoga practice:

Yoga Bolster: This is a firm pillow that can be used for support for different poses, such as reclined bound angle pose or corpse pose (Savasana).

Yoga Blocks: Typically made out of hard foam (and sometimes wood or cork), these brick-shaped blocks can be very helpful for poses that require more flexibility, such as a forward fold or a triangle pose. I recommend having a set of two, like this one.

Yoga Strap: This can be a very useful tool when doing more challenging poses that may be beyond your flexible abilities, such as the one-legged king pigeon pose or the dancer’s pose.

If you need extra assistance for your home yoga practice you can follow along with one of many DVD videos, like this set, or online videos.

So PLNers, do you find this guide to practicing yoga at home helpful? Are you new to yoga and have some more questions? Leave me a message in the comments below.


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*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Parent Life Network or their partners.
