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The One Way I Stay in the Know Since Having Babies

Written by Melissa Robertson
Best New Product

My secret weapon to stay hip probably isn’t what you think, but it’s a small win I’ll take while raising tiny humans.

When people find out I had three kids in less than three years, they often ask me, “How do you do it?”

The answer is simple: I’ve got it down to a science of caffeine, yoga pants and embracing the mom bun. I refer to the style of my home as ‘eclectic’ because that sounds nicer than ‘hot mess’. Parenting is not easy. Obviously. In fact, it could be closer to the truth to say parenting is a battlefield where you are constantly dodging snotty noses and baby puke.

Before parenthood I considered myself moderately hip. I knew somewhat what was going on in the realm of fashion and world events. Since having children though, I found myself sinking further and further into the abyss of baby food and Paw Patrol.

Hear me out—part of being a mom for me is making sure what I buy and bring into my home is the best for my family.

One day as I was sitting in my living room with some friends who came to visit from out of town, they were all chatting about stuff I just had no idea about. Who is Brexit? What’s a glitter mask? Reputation wha’? I literally sat with my mouth agape until they started talking about vitamins.

Hear me out—part of being a mom for me is making sure what I buy and bring into my home is the best for my family. I don’t have time to catch up on all the latest news, tech and celebrity gossip, but I always find time to research the ingredients in the yogurt I buy and to chat with my friends about what cream is working for their baby’s eczema. So when I found the fastest and easiest way to get the opinions of 20,000 other Canadians on the latest products, I knew I had discovered a secret weapon.

Each year BrandSpark International surveys Canadians to determine the most trusted brands available on the market. What many don’t know, is that they also survey Canadians to determine the best new products each year.

My husband thinks I am a super mom when we are at the grocery store and I casually throw in the best pizza and dessert winner with a simple, ‘trust me’.

That means that while I am wrestling a brush through my daughter’s hair, I can check out the best conditioner of the year. While I am hiding from my kids in the bathroom, I can find the best bathroom cleaner and air freshener. (How do girls have such a hard time hitting the toilet?) My husband thinks I am a super mom when we are at the grocery store and I casually throw in the best pizza and dessert winner with a simple, ‘trust me’.

So when my girlfriend mentioned that she was trying to get more Omegas but was struggling with the fishy aftertaste so many Omega supplements had, I immediately had the solution. 20,000 people couldn’t be wrong, right?

So now the Best New Product Awards shopping list is my best kept secret to staying in the know and being the go-to in my circle of friends on the latest and best products. When you give so much of yourself to your family, you deserve a little win.

**Congrats Winners**

Best New Products Awards Prize Pack Giveaway

Pamella L. of Red Deer, AB.
Natassia L. of Sylvan Lake, AB.
Cayley S. of Enderby, B.C.
Brittney W. of Carberry, MB.

*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Parent Life Network or their partners.
