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A Useful Kitchen Appliance That Will Make Dinner Easier

Written by Jennifer Traynor
wednesday wish list

Lately, I have found myself too busy to cook quick, nutritious meals for my family. All I wanted was to have a simple solution that could help me prepare healthy dinners more efficiently. Is that too much for this busy mama to wish for?

Picture it: a mom constantly trying to get nutritious meals planned for her family but she’s bogged down with work deadlines, appointments, after-school activities, her kid’s homework, cleaning, laundry, the list goes on. Sound familiar? Wouldn’t it be nice to have something handy that would make preparing dinner that much easier for you?

That was exactly what I wanted so I started looking into ideas of anything I could try to make getting dinner ready for my family a quick and simple process. No fuss, no muss. When I found the Instant Pot I knew I had the solution I was looking for.

If you don’t know what the Instant Pot is let me fill you in. This wonderful small kitchen appliance is a slow cooker, pressure cooker, steamer and rice cooker. But that’s not all! It also sautees, serves as a warmer for your food and is a yogurt maker. This handy little device can do seven functions all in one machine, cooks two to six times faster than other methods and uses up to 70 percent less energy.

I was going to add this to my wishlist of things I wanted to purchase but I couldn’t wait, and my order of the Instant Pot is on its way! Now the question is, what should be the first meal I cook in it?


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*Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not necessarily those of Parent Life Network or their partners.
